Project Professor 
Sze Yun Set
Laser Photonics Sensing, Photonic Imaging Department
E-mail: set [AT]
Tel: 03-5452-5353
Office: Building 3, 3F, Room 313
Research book, Google Scholar
1993.06 B.Eng(Hons), Electronics Engineering, University of Southampton
1998.10 Postdotoral Researcher, RCAST, The University of Tokyo (UTokyo)
1999.01 Ph.D, University of Southampton, Optoelectronics Research Centre
2000.10 Research Associate, School of Engineering, UTokyo
2001.04 Micron Optics Inc., Senior R&DEngineer
2002.04 R&D General Manager, Alnair Labs Corporation
2005.04 CEO & CTO, Alnair Labs Corporation
2016.02 Associate Professor, RCAST, UTokyo
2021.10 Visiting Fellow, Clare Hall, Cambridge University
2023.08 Project Professor, RCAST, UTokyo
Research Interests
Since the first demonstrations of the carbon-nanotube (CNT) mode-locked lasers in 2003, over the years, it has bloomed into a new field of Nano-Carbon Photonics, using CNT and other nano-carbon materials for various laser and photonics applications.
We are interested in developing new industrial applications using these advanced laser pulsed sources, for examples
1. High-speed, high-sensitivity optical sampling oscilloscope using special long-wavelength femtosecond CNT lasers, for the optical communication industry
2. Non-contact, high-precision 3-D profile measurement system, using a high-repetition rate short-cavity CNT laser for the automobile industry
3. Short pulse seed lasers for the material processing and laser micro-machining industry
Our recent research interests include:
- Novel highly-reliable laser mode-locking technique.
- Integrated optical functional devices using new optical materials.
- Rare-earth-doped fiber amplifiers and their applications.
- Applications of short pulse lasers in multidisciplinary research.
Selected Publications
- Set S Y, Yaguchi H, Tanaka Y, et al., “Laser Mode Locking Using a Saturable Absorber Incorporating Carbon Nanotubes,”J. Lightwave Technology, 22(1):51-56. (2004)
- S. Yamashita, Y. Inoue, S. Maruyama, Y. Murakami, H. Yaguchi, M. Jablonski, and S. Y. Set, “Saturable absorbers incorporating carbon nanotubes directly synthesized onto substrates and fibers and their application to mode-locked fiber lasers,” Opt. Lett. 29, 1581-1583 (2004).
- Set S Y, Yaguchi H, Tanaka Y, et al., “Ultrafast fiber pulsed lasers incorporating carbon nanotubes,” IEEE J. Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 10(1):137-146. (2004)
- Yong-Won Song, Shinji Yamashita, Chee S. Goh, and Sze Y. Set, “Carbon nanotube mode lockers with enhanced nonlinearity via evanescent field interaction in D-shaped fibers,” Opt. Lett. 32, 148-150 (2007)
- S. Y. Set, H. Yaguchi, Y. Tanaka, M. Jablonski, Y. Sakakibara, A. Rozhin, M. Tokumoto, H. Kataura, Y. Achiba, and K. Kikuchi, “Mode-locked Fiber Lasers based on a Saturable Absorber Incorporating Carbon Nanotubes,” in Optical Fiber Communication Conference, , paper PD44. (2003)
- Goh, C. S., Mokhtar, M. R., Butler, S. A., & Set, S. Y., “Wavelength tuning of fiber bragg gratings over 90 nm using a simple tuning package,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 15(4), 557-559. (2003)
- Ken Kashiwagi, Shinji Yamashita, and Sze Yun Set, “In-situ monitoring of optical deposition of carbon nanotubes onto fiber end,” Opt. Express 17, 5711-5715 (2009)
- S. Y. Set, H. Yaguchi, M. Jablonski, Y. Tanaka, Y. Sakakibara, A. G. Rozhin, M. Tokumoto, H. Kataura, Y. Achiba, and K. Kikuchi, “A Noise Suppressing Saturable Absorber at 1550nm Based on Carbon Nanotube Technology,” in Optical Fiber Communication Conference, paper FL2. (2003)